CA’ MACANA - 100% original paper-mache Venetian carnival masks.

Visit to the one and only Ca' Macana's workshop 

When you visit our mask workshop in Venice and participate in one of our excellent courses,you will learn how to make Venetian masks the right way.

Here's what that means in more detail:

  1. We will teach you how to make Venetian masks at the beginning stages - from clay sculpture to the plaster mold. The demonstration is done:
    - in real-time using "live" models at various stages of completion.
    - we also use a large-screen projector showing detailed images that capture those phases of the process that there isn't time 

  2. Make a Venetian mask - born before your very eyes!
    We pull a carnival mask direct from the mold right in front of the participants, showing the process by which it gets extracted and then how it gets prepared for the decoration stage.

  3. Demonstrating some of the many decorative techniques.
    We discuss and demonstrate some of the more fascinating decorative techniques for Venetian masks. Here there are many real surpri "
  4. ses for members of the public. We use a variety of interesting materials including natural feathers, stucco, and gold leaf.

  5. Introduction to the meaning and history of Venetian masks such as the "bauta” and the “moretta".
    Here we really show it all, including actually putting on a mask, along with displaying authentic images taken from antique prints and paintings which convey to us today the most compelling features of these masks and how they were used.

Special bonus: every practical demonstration as it is underway is projected onto a large screen behind the speaker. This way everyone can see very clearly what is being done.

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Dorsoduro 3215 30123 Venezia (Italy)
Email: info@camacana.com
Phone:+39 041 5203229
P.IVA: 02070120270

Every day:
10AM - 8PM (Summer time)
10Am - 6:30PM (Winter time)

We are open during holidays

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